i want to know how to save a a constant of a funcition as a variable
i want to know how to save a a constant of a funcition as a variable.for example: eq:=x=1-3*ti want to save 3 as variable c:=3
View Articlefurther simplication
I have gotten an expression:eq21 := collect(eq20, [exp(-sqrt(s)*x/sqrt(Dp)), exp(sqrt(s)*(-lh+x)/sqrt(Dp)), exp((-2*lh+x)*sqrt(s)/sqrt(Dp)), exp((lh-x)*sqrt(s+thetac)/sqrt(Dc))], simplify);q(x, s) =...
View Articlegenerating random polynomials with parametric coefficients
Hi Dears,I know "randpoly" command of Maple and I need to generate some random polynomials with parametric coefficients. For this I used this command for input set {a,b,c,d,x,y,z,w} which {a,b,c,d} are...
View ArticleProblem to comapre to coefficient
Dear Users!I am facing problem to compare the coefficient of x^i*y^j for i, j =1..,Equations. Please my effort and fix the problem.H1 :=...
View Articlecollecting coefficients(only variables) from Expression
Hi, I am collecting the coefficients of funciton terms(like sin, cos, log,exp,abs) form the expression. I was able to collect using the function 'coeff'. Initially am getting all functions in the...
View ArticleHow to find coefficient for the term if it in denomenator?
I am trying to get coefficient of certain terms from the expresson. When I have these terms in denomenator of the expression am getting the error as unable to find the coefficient. Is there a common...
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